Saturday, April 11, 2009

Still In Theory?

Hey guys. This is my second blog post. Anyways, for anyone why may have wondered into this blog, you must be wondering how or why I came up with this name. It's something that I believe really does capture what I do and what my character is.

Still In Theory
The name really spawns from my knowledge of technology. Everything that I do or say, is still in theory. I myself don't have a computer of my own, so I use my family members' computers. This really does cause some problems. Main ones being, I can't install software without permission. So while I did have Ubuntu Linux installed, I lost my internet chord so I couldn't download nsdiswrapper. I had registered on the Ubuntuforums, though, so I did hang around there, as I still do. While I hung around there, I started learning more and more about Linux, understanding more about it, getting more interested in FOSS (Free Open Source Software). I did have some friends who used Linux however, and whenever they asked me something about what I did or if I could do something in Linux, I could, in theory, do it.

Along with this, I started learning C++. One of my friends had also been learning C++, and he was learning PHP at the time as well. So every few days he would ask me if I could do something, like, let's say, make a program that can create a response for the user if the user wrote a specific number in. At the time, I didn't have a compiler (and I still don't) but I did know how to code it (regardless, I forgot most of what I knew about C++). So I would aways reply, yes, though I would never know the bugs in the program if I tried to code it.

So, that's the dissappointing story about why Still In Theory is the name of this blog. Yes, I realize you probably just wasted a few minutes of your life. For that, I am sorry.


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